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Get Involved

God has placed gifts, talents, and abilities in every individual. One of the best ways to develop your gift and to connect with new people is to serve in the church and be a blessing to others. At Faith, we have many opportunities to be involved in various auxiliaries of Team Faith.

Team Faith is a dedicated group of members at Faith Christian Center who have taken their Christianity to the next level by deciding to be a blessing to others in the church and the community.

Below are the teams that are available for you to serve with in Phase 1 of the Pandemic. However, additional teams will become available as we move into the next phase.

  • Administrative Support
  • Comforters
  • Faith Kiosk (Books/Gear)
  • Faith Youth
  • Hospitality
  • Kidz World
  • Media
  • Medical Team
  • Music Ministry
  • Online Support
  • Parking Lot
  • Prayer Technicians
  • Security
  • Social Media/Marketing
  • Special Events
  • Ushers/Hostesses
  • Water Baptism Team
  • Worship Arts (Drama/Dance)
  • Zest

Sign up for teams here!

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